How-To's,  Photography

How to Use Snapseed for Instagram Worthy Photos

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As a solo traveler/explorer, there are some things that I just know I cannot live without. Like my Keen hiking boots, Luna bars, sunscreen for my pale skin and particularly the part in my hair (don’t ask), and Google Maps or Waze. P.S.-stay tuned for my ultimate checklist of solo traveling essentials.  But my #1 favorite app is possibly Snapseed. This free photo-editing app is what I use for Instagram worthy photos, from my outdoor excursions to museum tours to capturing all the donuts I eat (seriously, I think I have a problem, and also stay tuned for my favorite donuts in DC). Anyway, keep reading on how to use Snapseed for Instagram worthy photos!
How to use Snapseed for Instagram worthy photos
How to Use Snapseed for Instagram Worthy Photos

Step 1: Choose Photo

To choose the photo you wish to edit, open the app and click anywhere on the screen. Once you’ve chosen your picture, you will start to get some editing options at the bottom of the screen. 

It defaults to Looks, but I actually don’t use that option. Click instead on Tools. You’ll see a full menu pull up of all sorts of fun things. Don’t get intimidated! We are only going to focus on about 3 tools and you can play with the others later. The order for using each tool is flexible, but I do always start with HDR Scape, since it does the majority of the work.

Tip: In each tool, there is a box in the top right of the screen. If you hold your finger on this box, the image will revert to the original. This is a quick way to see your before and after, to make sure your edits are looking the way you want!

how to use snapseed for Instagram worthy photos
how to use Snapseed for Instagram worthy photos

Step 2: HDR Scape

The first tool I use is HDR Scape, which is the best tool for the background of an image. It is most dramatic with nature or landscapes, but architecture also benefits from this. You can also identify whether it’s a nature only picture or there are people in it. 

Once you click on HDR Scape, you’ll see the photo become much more vibrant and intense. The default here is actually too edited at times, so we are going to adjust this. At the top, you’ll see the Filter Strength +50. Hold your finger on the screen and then drag it so that the Filter Strength goes down. You’ll see that the picture starts to look more realistic and not overly edited. The number you stop at is completely up to you and the look you’re going for, but I usually leave mine at around Filter Strength 25+ or around that number.

After you’ve gotten the Filter Strength where you want it, make sure to click the check mark in the bottom right to save it. By clicking the check mark, the app takes you back to the start screen, where we will move to our next tool.

Step 3: Tune Image

Our next tool will be Tune Image. With this tool, all I usually do is click the magic wand icon. This will auto-adjust the brightness, saturation, contrast, etc. You can click the icon to the left of the wand to adjust each of these individually, if for instance you want to increase brightness more than saturation. 

Don’t forget to click the check mark again to save!

How to Use Snapseed for Instagram Worthy Photos

Step 4: Portrait

If your picture has people in it and you want to highlight the faces, then you’ll want to use the Portrait tool. Sometimes the app doesn’t recognize the faces right away, but keep letting it try and it will eventually lock in on the faces. 

Once it identifies a face, more filters will pop up on the bottom of the screen. Depending on how much emphasis you want on the face, you can choose which filter and also adjust the Face Spotlight at the top, like we adjusted the Filter Strength before. 

Again, remember to click that check mark to save!

Step 5: Export

If you are happy with your newly edited photo, you can click on the Export button in the bottom right and then choose your save option. I usually just hit Save or Save a copy, depending on if I want to keep the original. 

Final Tip: If you like the editing options that are built into your photos sections of your phone, you may want to go in there and auto-edit again. When I do this on my iPhone, it brightens up the picture even more. 

How to Use Snapseed for Instagram Worthy Photos

Before and After

Here is the Before and After from the example image I used. You can see it’s not anything crazy, but Snapseed helps to enhance the color, vibrancy and brightness of the image. Also, I included some other Before and Afters to give you a better idea of the difference that Snapseed can make. 

Before Snapseed
After Using Snapseed
Before using Snapseed
After using Snapseed
Instagram-worthy pics
After editing in Snapseed.

Now you are a pro!

Go forth and impress your millions of social media followers. Or your mom and best friend. Or just yourself. Let’s be honest, we take pictures for ourselves more than anyone else. And speaking of taking pictures of ourselves, check out my tips on how to take some awesome shots while traveling solo.

If you are ready to do even more editing on your photos, stay tuned for Part 2: How to Use Snapseed for Instagram Worthy Photos. I’ll go over some more advanced tools in the app for even more awesomeness!


  • Heather

    This looks like a neat app. I will have to check it out. It was super helpful to see the before and after shots.

    • Jordan

      Hi Heather,
      Thanks for the feedback! I thought the before and afters may help to convince people.

  • Jasmine

    Wow I love the before and after photos! I will have to play around with this app, currently I’m only using Adobe Lightroom

    • Jordan

      Hi Jasmine,
      Thanks! I’m not as familiar with Adobe, but I hope Snapseed can help as a quick phone editor.

  • Maria

    Thanks for the tutorial, I’ll have to add the app to my list of apps!

  • Malia

    Thank you for this! I appreciated seeing your before and after pics. So many times I’m just not sure what needs to be done to improve the photo. I’m going to give it a try today. And yes, donuts are AMAZING!!!!

    • Jordan

      Hi Malia,
      I hope the tips are helpful! And I’m glad you share my love of donuts.

  • Cindy

    This is great! I just started using Snapseed and your tips are perfect. Now I’m going to go play around with photos!

    • Jordan

      Hi Cindy,
      Perfect timing! I hope the tips are helpful!

  • Suzan

    Always looking for simple apps that I can use on my phone. Thank you for the concise tutorial and keeping it simple for us (by that I mean me 🙂 ) technically challenged individuals.

    • Jordan

      Hi Suzan,
      I’m so glad it was helpful. I tried to make it as simple as possible, but wasn’t sure if it was successful.

    • Kendra

      Thank you for this post! I’m always looking for a good free picture app. Can’t wait to see the next post with more advanced features! 🙂

      • Jordan

        Hi Kendra,
        Wonderful! If you’d like to subscribe, you’ll get the notice right away when the advanced post is ready. 🙂

  • Carol

    Thanks so much for the great review of Snapseed! I’ve never heard of this app before, but I will definitely check it out!

  • jen

    Had not heard of this one but will look more into it. thanks!

  • Jen

    Great tips! I love the way you compared 2 pics one after the other. Very interesting! Thanks for sharing!

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